Visioning & Strategy

Visioning & Strategy

Visioning and Strategy – Translating Strategy into Action

We work with business leaders and managers in the areas of vision, strategy and cultural development; we work seamlessly with you to equip you with the tools to get transformational and lasting results for your organisation.

Together we:

  • Design your implementation process
  • Align your teams with your over-arching business goals and execute your vision
  • Harness the power of your people and assess your blockers to change
  • Approach risk and assess pressure points in your implementation plan
  • Secure synergies and robust strategies when engaging and integrating teams and functions with business process
  • Support you in your goal setting process and facilitate the achievement of productive collaboration, secured team understanding, commitment and accountability
  • Develop and manage evolving culture, values and belief systems, proactively managing the programme of change and where possible winning the hearts and minds of your teams.

We are with you every step of the way as you take your business in the desired direction of travel.  We build lasting client relationships and partnerships and post implementation reviews take place typically three months after the implementation phase.  We review outcomes and formulate further actions to secure future progress.

These programmes are completely targeted to you and your business requirements.  We provide high levels of impact, energy, thought simulation and tools.

“A person has integrity where there is no gap between intent and behaviour.  When he or she is whole, seamless, the same inside and out I call this congruence not compliance – that will ultimately create credibility and trust “
Dr Stephen Covey

Business Culture, Values and Behaviour Workshops

A strong culture is at the core of business success.  A culture that recognises and embraces shared values, attitudes, standards and beliefs that characterise the goals of an organisation not only engage those who work within it but make a positive impression on clients and anyone associated with the business.

Establishing a culture you believe in means having a clear and consistent vision and knowing how you would like everyone inside and outside to view the company.  It’s the people that make a business successful.

Can you articulate your core values? Are they woven into your DNA? Do you uphold the culture from the top of your organisation? Do you have a shared vision?

If you have a vision without a strategy it will never be more than a vision.  The cornerstones of solid business culture include:

  • Transparency and trust
  • Time to disconnect and re fuel
  • Empowerment and a sense of freedom
  • Physical space
  • Staying close to the needs of your customers and employees
  • Organisation design – Be clear about ‘how we do things around here’


We’d love to hear from you, whether it’s hearing about some of your challenges or telling you more about what we do. Please send us a message using our contact form to get us talking.